Career Advising Community of Practice- Building Implementation Capacity
Starting 2/20/2025 at 12:30 PM and ending on 2/20/2025 at 2:30 PM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 6 - District Events

IMPORTANT: Registration will close 1business day prior to the event. Virtual meeting links and information will be emailed the business day before.


Virtual sign-in & tech support begin 15 minutes prior to event start time.


Target Audience: Participation is by application and invitation only. Superintendents of identified districts will assign participants.


 “Career advising is the bridge between education and the world of work, ensuring that students' skills and aspirations align with real-world opportunities.” The Building Implementation Capacity for Career Advising Community of Practice (“BICCA CoP”) was created to facilitate in-depth knowledge development and application of quality implementation and evidence-based practices for career advising students in grades K-12. This same information can be critical to developing your district's personalized Career Advising Plan, tailored to address specific needs such as attendance, student engagement, and graduation rates. District teams selected to participate in this community will have an opportunity to build their own Career Advising Plan in conjunction with the district’s adopted Career Advising Policy and to learn from the experiences of participating districts, SST Consultants, and other educational leaders. This collaborative approach empowers districts to create targeted strategies that address the unique challenges and goals within their local context.


* PARTICIPANTS * The email address you provide during registration will be used for: 

  • sending access to your contact hours, virtual meeting links, and materials 
  • event communications


** All participants must be pre-registered **


To register, go to the SST6 Professional Learning Google site here. 
