Early Learning Leadership Network
Starting 2/13/2025 at 9:00 AM and ending on 2/13/2025 at 3:00 PM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 6 - District Events

IMPORTANT: Registration will close 1business day prior to the event. 


Target Audience: Preschool Special Education Supervisor, Preschool Directors, Early Childhood Leaders, Elementary Principals and Instructional Coaches

Do you feel overwhelmed by the complexity of all of the components leading to high-quality preschool programming?  If so, come join the Early Learning Leadership Network which is dedicated to providing peer-to peer regional supports to both general education and special education leaders on a variety of hot topics impacting your local preschool program.   This year, our network will focus on the preschool environment grounded in Lisa Murphy's Work on the Play. Ongoing opportunities are embedded throughout to collaborate and learn from colleagues from across the region. 


* PARTICIPANTS * The email address you provide during registration will be used for: 

  • sending access to your contact hours, virtual meeting links, and materials 
  • event communications


** All participants must be pre-registered **


To register, go to the SST6 Professional Learning Google site here. 

SST6 1045 Dearbaugh Ave, Suite 1, Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895