CTPD Coffee Hour
Starting 2/14/2024 at 9:00 AM and ending on 2/14/2024 at 10:00 AM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 6 - District Events

IMPORTANT: Registration will close 1business day prior to the event. Virtual meeting links and information will be emailed the business day before.


Virtual sign-in & tech support begin 15 minutes prior to event start time.


Target Audience: CTPD Administrators, CTPD Coordinators, Principals, Guidance Counselors, Transition to Work Coordinators


Event Description:

This bimonthly series is a time to get information on an emerging and important topic; share CT successes and challenges; and learn about upcoming PD opportunities from ODE, SST, Tech Prep, ACTE, and Advance CTE. This year, session topics will specifically link content to recruitment, selection and placement, supporting success for SWD, professional development to support all learners, and graduation.


* PARTICIPANTS * The email address you provide during registration will be used for: 

  • sending access to your contact hours, virtual meeting links, and materials 
  • event communications


** All participants must be pre-registered **


To register, go to the SST6 Professional Learning Google site here. 
