New and Newish Sped Directors Community of Practice (INVITE ONLY)
Starting 2/25/2025 at 12:00 PM and ending on 2/25/2025 at 1:00 PM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 6 - District Events

IMPORTANT: Registration will be the day of the event. Virtual meeting links and information will be emailed the business day before.


Virtual sign-in & tech support begin 15 minutes prior to event start time.


Target Audience: Directors of Special Education in Districts or ESCs that are in their first 3 years in that position.

This series was created to specifically address the wide variety of topics SPED Directors  need to monitor and/or supervise.  Our targeted audience is specifically those directors that are new (or newish) to their positions, so that we can support those transitions in order to maintain high quality services for students.  


* PARTICIPANTS * The email address you provide during registration will be used for: 

  • sending access to your contact hours, virtual meeting links, and materials 
  • event communications