IMPORTANT: Registration will close 1business day prior to the event. Virtual meeting links and information will be emailed the business day before.
Virtual sign-in & tech support begin 15 minutes prior to event start time.
Target Audience: Administrators, building leaders, teachers
Do you wonder why you or your team have yet to be more successful in engaging more families? Do you wonder why so many educators still struggle with family engagement as a viable conduit to improve student learning outcomes? As more and more schools look to implement effective strategies to engage every family, we learn more about what works and what doesn't, what resonates with educators, and what does not. As you read through this book and its case studies, you will find opportunities to reflect on where you are. Your reflections should lead you to a better understanding of your current situation and help explain a path toward your desired outcomes. -Steve Constantino If you are a fan of Case Studies, this will be an excellent book for you! Each principle has four case studies and questions to guide you through the scenarios. After reading through the principle's critical points in the text, you will select at least one case study to dive deeper into the learning objectives. This book is an easy read with activities and resources embedded throughout to allow you to learn, think, reflect and plan for family engagement.
* PARTICIPANTS * The email address you provide during registration will be used for:
- sending access to your contact hours, virtual meeting links, and materials
- event communications
** All participants must be pre-registered **
To register, go to the SST6 Professional Learning Google site here.