Tip to Tip Learning Progressions

Tip to Tip Learning Progressions

Creating Tip to Tip Learning Progressions takes time, but is a worthwhile way to improve teacher clarity of standards, define entry points towards grade level standards for all students, and share with stakeholders both teacher and state expectations. 
This five part series shows how teachers can access state department documents, as well as other helpful resources, to create IDEAL tip to tip learning progressions for each standard.  
  Part OneObjectives: 
1. Explore the concept of tip to tip learning progressions and why they are necessary
2. Access and practice using tools that can be helpful when creating splinter skills for each standard
  Part TwoObjectives:
1. Access and use the learning progressions and extended standards to build splinter skills in the building the base section of the tip to tip learning progression
Part ThreeObjectives:
1. Access and use Performance Level Descriptors and Cognitive Rigor Matrices to identify what studets will be able to know and do
2.  Create splinter skills that range from least to most complex within each standard
 Part Four Objectives: 
1. Use tools such as the Cogntive Rigor Matrix to create splinter skills that go beyond the standard
2. Consider how creating splinter skills at both tips of the learning progressions can benefit all learners 
Part Five Objectives: 
1.  Reflect on the learning progressions created in this series
2. Identify next steps in learning
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