How does UDL fit within MTSS? Well, as indicated in previous pages, Universal Design for Learning is designing with a purpose. It's proactive design that teachers are continuously learning from and using even in their targeted & intensive/individual interventions. It is also iterative design that should inform their proactive planning for Tier 1.
For example, if a student is not able to access the content and is in need of Assistive Technology, then revising the instructional planning to include those AT considerations and tools during initial instruction would be the UDL approach. Additionally, teachers using the information from Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions and supports to incorporate successful strategies and scaffolds into Tier 1 would also be the UDL approach because it is intentional use of supports (materials, methods, etc.) to reduce or eliminate barriers.
This doesn't mean that the UDL framework cannot be used at Tiers 2 and 3. In fact, it should always be considered when planning for instruction. We always want to prepare our learners to become expert learners. Knowing where they are in relation to their goal, setting goals, understanding what resources or tools help them reach their goal, and ways to stay motivated in that goal attainment are a huge part of the learning process at ALL Tiers.
Simply put, ULD is proactive, iterative, and intentional lesson design using the guidelines and expert learning as the framework for the design.
This graphic shows how this process looks within the MTSS and UDL systems.